We believe voter participation plays a crucial role in democracy.

College student voters are set to have major impact on this year’s presidential election, and it’s easier than ever to help them do so.

In 2024, Gen Z youth alone will make up over 40 million potential voters—including 8 million youth who will have newly reached voting age since 2022—making up nearly one fifth of the American electorate. Together with the youngest Millennials, young people ages 18-34 are poised to be a potential force in the next presidential election.
CIRCLE/Tufts University Tisch College 2024 Election Youth Poll

What We Do

Relational Organizing.

We believe you are more likely to motivate change with people you have a preexisting relationship with. Our goal is to enable peer-to-peer digital voter outreach, by providing student networks with tools and resources they need to register to vote, vote safely, and vote as informed citizens.

Determine bottlenecks.

We work closely with organizations, groups, and businesses to determine what may prevent their members from voting. Are they unsure how to register? Is registration a hassle? Are members not aware of the issues at stake? The more we know, the more we can help.

Introduce effective solutions.

We have taken inventory of—and established connections with—the nation’s best-in-class non-partisan organizations providing tools and resources that make it easy for citizens to register to vote, check their registration status, and learn about the issues on their ballots.